a collection of art made by me
drawing things in my kitchen
a series in which I sit down in my kitchen and draw the tools I use most often while baking
ep. 1 - the KitchenAid mixer
Starting off the series is my bowl-lift KitchenAid mixer. It was a gift from my parents and I've had it for years now. The bowl-lift mechanism has been incredible and eliminates any issues with stiffer doughs that I've seen with the head-tilt mixers.
When I first got this mixer, I liked baking but I didn't bake very often. I'm pretty sure the only thing I had baked up to that point was banana bread and a few no-knead recipes. I was intimidated by bread-making because of the kneading (which I have now grown to love) and this mixer bridged that fear. It's pretty amazing to me to see how much I've grown in the kitchen and to look back at all the things I've made since then.
hallway of ingredients
a series in which I paint and frame my favorite ingredients for my kitchen hallway
pt. 4 - Kirkland Olive Oil
The fourth installment of my paintings is dedicated to Kirkland's extra virgin olive oil - we use olive oil quite often in our baking and cooking and so it seemed worthy of painting. I had a lot of fun trying to capture the lighting of liquid within a bottle and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.